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03 Januari 2009

Who do you thing you are?

Start with darkest place you start to crawling upon all the light.

You proud, you can stand by your own legs then you start on making the first step.

Right after your first step, you tried to run wildly but you suddenly lost your way.

Now, you knew the word of "stop". Suddenly the world no longer bright.

It start all over again and it always like that. 

Before u knew it, now you digging your own graveyard for you to finally Rest In Peace.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Wow pertama kali dtg dah langsung speechless liat RIP duluan hehe.
Btw Omedetou gozaimasu buat opening blog na *bow* ^^

Tp gw sk dg post RIP itu, jd smkn ngingetin gw klo hidup tuh qta ga kan pnh tau???
Only GOD knows :D

So before that 'STOP' come to us, let us do d best in our life, keep fighting and learning, no matter how hard just never give up, there is a rainbow after the rain ^__^

Ganbare ^^